math 133, McGill university
Welcome to the math133 course webpage! Here, you'll find info about the class and links to some helpful ressources. The page will be updated every week and it will serve as the main communication tool. If any link is broken, please let me know.
Please note that the courses take place in-person. Courses start officially on Monday May 1st and end on Thursday June 1st (see key academic dates here).
The official course overview from the math department is the following : Systems of linear equations, matrices, inverses, determinants ; geometric vectors in three dimensions, dot product, cross product, lines and planes ; introduction to vector spaces, linear dependence and independence, bases. Linear transformations. Eigenvalues and diagonalization. You can find the up-to-date course outline here.
You can try out some applied linear algebra exercises on the webwork which is accessible via MyCourses. These exercises will not be graded, but you will receive an automated feedback.
The topics presented will mostly follow chapters 1,2,3,5 and 10 from Axler's book with an emphasis on examples.
The math help desk is open from 12:00 to 17:00 all summer at Burnside 911. There, you can find a (free!) tutor which will answer all your questions regarding our class.
This course was also taught in the summer of 2022. You can find the webpage here. Old quizzes and exams are available there with the solutions.
More ressources will be added in the future.
The following calendar can give you a good impression of what's to come! Don't forget to scroll down to get some more precise info about quizzes and exams.
There will be three quizzes (1 hour, 4% each), one midterm (2 hours, 34%) and one final exam (3 hours, 54%). Students attempting the quizzes automatically get full marks. Evaluations will all be closed book.
As time goes, you will be able to find the pdfs of past exams here.
The practice midterm can be found here.
No classes on Monday, fête des patriotes
The practice final can be found here.