Graduate students
Doctoral students:
- Seth Taylor (Numerical analysis, co-supervisor prof. Nave)
- Vladmir Sicca Gonçalves (PhD 2022, Conformal geometry, co-supervisor prof. Vétois)
- Ibrahim Al Balushi (PhD 2020, Adaptive spline finite element methods)
Master's students:
- Marc Mekhanik (Numerical analysis, co-supervisor prof. Choksi)
- Pauline Lelandais (MSc 2022, Data assimilation in fluid dynamics)
- Karim Elmallakh (MSc 2022, Laplacian on fractals, co-supervisor prof. Jakobson)
- Seth Taylor (MSc 2020, Characteristic mapping method, co-supervisor prof. Nave)
- Hilton Maurer (MSc 2020, Elliptic equations, co-supervisor prof. Vétois)
- Philippe Blain (MSc 2018, Correction function method, co-supervisor prof. Nave)
- Erick Schulz (MSc 2017, Discrete exterior calculus)
- Mashbat Suzuki (MSc 2015, Manifold learning, co-supervisor prof. Jakobson)
- Joshua Lackman (MSc 2015, Einstein constraints, co-supervisor prof. Mei)
- Ibrahim Al Balushi (MSc 2013, Compressed sensing)
- Alexandra Tcheng (MSc 2011, Einstein constraints)
Undergraduate students
- Meron Seyoum (Summer research 2022, Quantum computation)
- Yanghao Zhou (Summer research 2022, Differential geometry)
- Tomer Moran (Honours research project 2022, Calculus of variations)
- Antoine Laporte (Honours research project 2022, Navier-Stokes equations)
- Samuel Zeitler (Honours research project 2022, Einstein constraint problem)
- John Bei (Honours research project 2021, Perfectly matched layers)
- Hanghui Di (Honours research project 2021, Neural networks for solving PDEs)
- Jonathan Carr (Summer research 2021, Quantifying quantum entanglement)
- Noah Nicodemo (Summer research 2021, Classical lattice gauge theory)
- Ioan Dobas (Summer research 2021, Wildfire smoke distribution)
- Viktor Pavlovic (Summer research 2021, Data assimilation in fluid mechanics)
- Shereen Elaidi (Summer research 2020, Wave equation in cosmological spacetimes)
- Selim Amar (ISM Scholarship 2020, Discrete exterior calculus)
- Noah Nicodemo (Summer research 2020, Geometric discrteization of evolution equations)
- Stephen Fay (Summer research 2020, Lie groups and differential equations)
- Dima Yakimenko (CEGEP student research project 2020, Relativity paradoxes)
- Zachary Tremblay (CEGEP student research project 2020, Relativity paradoxes)
- Francis Clavette (CEGEP student research project 2020, From square roots to Newton-Raphson)
- Vincent Théberge(CEGEP student research project 2020, From square roots to Newton-Raphson)
- Pauline Lelandais (Honours research project 2019, Inverse problems in underwater acoustics)
- Karim Elmallakh (Honours research project 2019, Differential equations on fractals)
- Benjamin Langer (Honours research project 2019, A topic in functional analysis)
- Hugo Latourelle-Vigeant (Summer research 2019, Elliptic functions and integrals)
- Leo Kim (Summer research 2019, Regge calculus)
- Jonah Saks (Summer research 2019, Prime number distribution)
- Artiom Matvei (NSERC Award 2019, Modeling atmospheric optical phenomena)
- Amanda Gu (Independent study 2019, Functional analysis)
- Eric Metzger (Independent study 2019, Functional analysis)
- Dominic Petti (Independent study 2019, Functional analysis)
- Zheng Wu (Independent study 2019, Functional analysis)
- Shenshun Yao (Independent study 2019, Functional analysis)
- Jing Ning (Undergraduate research project 2019, Mathematical models of neurons)
- Justin Legrand (CEGEP student research project 2019, Computation of pi)
- Apolline Bard (Undergraduate research project 2018, Data assimilation methods for dynamical systems)
- Nathaniel Leitao (Honours research project 2017, Cauchy problem in general relativity)
- Tracey Nilsen-Ames (Undergraduate research project 2017, Perfectly matched layers for gravitational waves)
- Jia Lu (Undergraduate research project 2016, Near wall models of turbulent flows)
- Remmelt Amerlaan (Honours research project 2016, Discrete exterior calculus)
- Valentin Duruisseaux (Honours research project 2016, Symplectic integrators)
- Xuan Dai (Summer research 2016, Lie group methods in differential equations, co-supervisor dr. Wan)
- Nicolas Fortier (Summer research 2016, Computer verification of the Riemann hypothesis)
- Alex Laguë (NSERC Award 2016, Gluing constructions in general relativity)
- Guillaume Feigna (Summer internship 2016, Adaptive mixed finite element methods)
- Tian Xia (Summer research 2016, Adaptive ODE integrators)
- Woo Jin Jang (Summer research 2016, Probabilistic analysis of Gaussian elimination)
- Erick Schultz (NSERC Award 2015, Classical lattice gauge theory)
- Serena McDonnell (Independent study 2014, Technical analysis in financial markets)
- David Kleiman (Honours research project 2014, Mechanical properties of Möbius bands)
- Raphaël Hebert (Honours independent study 2013, Geometry of surfaces)
- Aditya Kumar (Honours thesis 2013, Density functional theory)
- Mashbat Suzuki (Summer research 2012, Randomness in general relativity, co-supervisors prof. Chen and prof. Jakobson)
- Olivier Ouelette (Summer research 2012, Sobolev spaces, co-supervisors prof. Chen and prof. Jakobson)
- Antony Della Vecchia (NSERC Award 2012, Strange attractors)
- Spencer Frei (ISM Scholarship 2012, Weak convergence methods in PDE, co-supervisor prof. Seguin)
- Ryan Sicilliano (Independent study 2012, Hodgkin-Huxley model and its numerics)
- Zhe Chen (ISM Scholarship 2011, Convex analysis, co-supervisor prof. Veneroni)
- Joshua Lackman (Summer research 2011, Nonlinear elliptic equations)
- Robert Gibson (ISM Scholarship 2010, Nonlinear wave equations, co-supervisor prof. Calleja)
Expository writings by students
- Mean curvature flow by Olivier Mercier
- Introduction to the Ricci flow by Olga Yakovlenko
- Monge-Ampere equations by Tiago Salvador
- Uniformization theorem by Sébastien Picard
- Uniformization by Patrick Munroe
- The Yamabe problem by Selim Tawfik
- Control theory and PDE by Dustin Connery-Grigg
- Calderón-Zygmund estimates by Michael Snarski
- Some topics in semiclassical analysis by Andrew MacDougall
- Spectral theory of Schrödinger operators by Ben Landon
- Introductory scattering theory by Ben Landon
- Weak convergence methods by Spencer Frei
- Rademacher's formula for the partition function by Alexandra Tcheng