MATH 264: Advanced Calculus
Winter 2008
This web page:
Lectures (start January 3):
Tu, Thur 10:00-11:30, Arts Building W-120 (D. Jakobson's section)
There are no lectures on March 20
There will be a make-up lecture on Thursday, April 3, 18:30-20:00,
in LEA 26.
For those who cannot come from 18:30-20:00 on April 3, there will be an
earlier lecture (same material), from 14:00-15:30, in Burnside 934.
There will be no lecture on Thursday, April 10.
There will be a PDE review lecture on Wednesday, April 16, 18:00-20:00,
in LEA 26.
There will be five tutorials per week. Tutorials start
during the second week of classes.
MATH 260 or MATH 262 or MATH 151 or MATH 152 or equivalent.
Open only to students in the Faculty of Engineering. Not open to students
taking or having taken MATH 248, MATH 265 or MATH 314.
Text: "Calculus: A Complete Course", by Robert A. Adams.
Chapters 14,15,16.
Lecture Notes
Syllabus: Multiple Integration: double and triple integrals, change
of variables, surface integrals. Vector fields: conservative fields,
line integrals, flux. Vector calculus: grad, div, curl,
Green's theorem, divergence theorem, Stokes' theorem, potentials.
PDE and Fourier series: heat equation, separation of variables (possibly
other topics as time permits).
Assignments: There will be be 5 written assignments.
Due dates will be announced in class and on the course web page.
Late assignments will not be accepted, except in cases of emergency.
Depending on availability of TA and other factors, some problems may
not be marked.
Webwork: There will be additional problems on
Midterm: Thursday, February 21, 2008, 18:00-21:00. Rooms
STBIO S1/4 and S1/3. McGill approved calculators are permitted.
Missed midterm cannot be redone.
If you miss the midterm for
any reason, the weights for your mark will be:
Assignments 20%, Final 80%.
Midterm solutions: ps and
Old Midterms: A year ago: Solutions, version 1:
ps and pdf;
version 2: ps and
Another old midterm: problems and
Final: April 18, 9-12am. Solutions:
No additional work will be accepted for D, F, or J.
Solutions of old finals:
Grading scheme:
Your final mark will be the largest
of the following: [20% Assignments + 20% Midterm + 60% Final]; OR
[20% Assignments + 80% Final].
WebCT: Your scores on assignments, midterm, final, and your
final mark will be posted on
Related course material from previous courses at McGill:
HELPDESK and their email:
WEB LINKS in Calculus, Algebra,
Geometry and Differential Equations.
Paul's online notes in Advanced Calculus (Lamar university)
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students must understand the meaning and consequences of
cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Code
of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures (see McGill web page
on Academic Integrity
for more information).