Joel Kamnitzer
I am a professor at the McGill University.
Office: BURN 1107.
Talks and lecture notes
Lie groups course, 2022-2023
Old seminars
Workshops organized
- Geometric representation theory, ICM Satellite conference online, June 2022.
- Geometric representation theory online, June 2020.
- Illustrating Number Theory and Algebra at ICERM (Providence), October 2019.
- Thematic activity on quiver varieties and representation theory at CRM (Montreal), August 2019.
- Workshop on Hall algebras, Enumerative Invariants, and Gauge Theories at Fields Insitute, November 14-18, 2016.
- Geometric Representation Theory and Categorification at CRM (Montreal) June 2014.
- Duntroon representation theory retreat on MV polytopes, July 2013.
- Representation Theory and Categorification special session at PRIMA 2013 (Shanghai) in June 2013.
- Infinite dimensional Lie theory: algebra, geometry and combinatorics at CRM (Montreal) in August 2012.
- Representation and symplectic algebraic geometry at CIRM (Luminy) in July 2012.
- Southern Ontario Group and Geometry workshop at Fields institute in April 2011.
- Duntroon workshop on the Hitchin fibration and the Fundamental Lemma, August 2010.
- Southern Ontario Group and Geometry workshop at Fields institute in October 2009.
(Very) Old Blog
Students and postdocs
Old course websites