- Rustum Choksi
- Professor and Department Chair
- Department of Mathematics and Statistics
- McGill University
- Email: rustum DOT choksi AT mcgill DOT ca
- Office: Burnside Hall 1014
- Mailing Address:
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
McGill University
805 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 2K6
- PhD, Brown University 1994
- SM, Brown University 1991
- BSc, University of Toronto 1989
- Postdoctoral:
- Courant Institute, New York University 1995 - 1997
- Center for Nonlinear Analysis, Carnegie-Mellon University 1994 - 1995
Research Interests and Publications
I view myself as an applied mathematician.
Though my training was in mathematical analysis (with a taste for applied problems), I have increasingly been interested in addressing problems from outside of mathematics via modelling, computing, and mathematical analysis.
More specifically, my focus lies in the the study, development, and application of variational problems in the physical sciences, data sciences, and in geometry from the perspective of the calculus of variations, partial differential equations, optimization, and scientific computing.
I am particularly interested in the interplay of these variational problems with pattern formation.
Particular problems and applications include:
Self-assembly of Diblock copolymers, Nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard and Isoperimetric Problems, and Liquid Drop Models
Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations, Optimal Quantization, and Applications
Regularization in solving Ill-Posed Inverse Problems, Deblurring and Denoising in Image Processing.
Nonlocal Interaction Energies and Self-assembly
Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Materials
Curvature based Variational Problems Associated with the Shape of Biological Membranes.
Editorial Boards
- Journal of Nonlinear Science
- SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
My undergraduate text in PDE:
- Partial Differential Equations: A First Course
- Volume 54 of the series AMS Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts (the Sally Series), American Mathematical Society
- Errata as of Dec 2024
Current Teaching
Fall 2024: MATH 475 Honours Partial Differential Equations
I am a member of Spectra: the Association for LGBTQ+ Mathematicians