2026, Apr 12–17: Oberwolfach workshop "Groups and Dynamics: Topology, Measure, and Borel Structure", Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach, Germany
Scientific committee: plenary talks and special sessions
2025, Aug 25–29: Luminy workshop "Orbit equivalence and topological and measurable dynamics" [link], dedicated to the 60th birthday of Damien Gaboriau, CIRM, Luminy, France
2023, Aug 21–25: "Descriptive Set Theory and Dynamics" [link], a conference within the Simons Semester "STRUCTURES: set theory, model theory, logic and computer science", Banach Center, Warsaw, Poland [link]
2023, May 22–26: Luminy workshop "Measured group theory, Stochastic Processes on Groups, and Borel combinatorics", CIRM, Luminy, France [link]
2023, Mar 20–24: Workshop "Borel and Measurable Combinatorics in Algebra and Dynamics", Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada [link]
Within the Fields Institute Thematic Program "Set Theoretic Methods in Algebra, Dynamics and Geometry", Jan–Jun 2023 [link]
2023, Jan–Jun: CRM Thematic Program "Geometric Group Theory", Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Montréal, Canada [link]
2023, Mar 6–17: Workshop "Measured Group Theory" [link]
2022, Mar 27–Apr 1: Banff workshop "Interactions between Descriptive Set Theory and Smooth Dynamics", Banff International Research Station, Banff, Canada [link]
2022, Feb 13–19: Oberwolfach mini-workshop 2207b "Descriptive Combinatorics, LOCAL Algorithms and Random Processes", Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach, Germany
2022, Jan 16–22: Oberwolfach workshop 2203 "Groups and Dynamics: Topology, Measure, and Borel Structure", Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach, Germany
2021, Jun 22–25: Association of Symbolic Logic North American Annual Meeting 2021, virtual [link]
Special session on Set Theory
2021, Jan 8–9: Association of Symbolic Logic Winter Meeting with the JMM 2021, Washington DC, USA (virtual) [link]