Since September 2023, I am a lecturer at McGill University. I completed my PhD in Mathematics under the supervision of Jean-Christophe Nave. I wrote a master thesis in Applied Mathematics (2018) at Polytechnique Montreal. I did a BScE (2017) at Polytechnique Montreal in Engineering Physics. I did my classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles in mathématiques supérieures and mathématiques spéciales (2010-2013) at Louis-Le-Grand. I was born in Senegal where I grew up before leaving for France and then Canada.
- 11/12/24 : Talk at St John's University (NY)
- 18/11/24 : Paper with M. Khalkhali sent to a journal
- 04/11/24 : Paper with M. Khalkhali submitted on arxiv
- 01/11/24 : Paper with J.C. Nave submitted on arxiv
- 09/07/24 : Talk at SIAM 2024 Annual Meeting (Spokane)
- 07/12/23 : Talk at the Workshop in Noncommutative Geometry (Fieds Institute)
- 15/05/23 : Talk at the CoSy-2023 (Western-Ontario)
Research interests
My research interests can be described by the broad framework of (quantized) geometry with respect to a small parameter $\hbar$. Specifically, I work on building bridges between noncommutative differential geometry, deformation quantization and $C^{*}$-algebras on one hand, and finite dimensional approximations of differential operators and of algebraic structures on the other hand. I'm also interested in topics that have close links with mathematical physics.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
McGill University
805 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, QC, Canada
Office: Burnside Hall, room 1243
Email: damien.tageddine@mail.mcgill.ca