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Graduate Student Seminar

Organiser: Henri Darmon.

Thursdays when there is no QVNTS, we will convene in the Concordia CICMA room from 2:00-3:00 PM after the Séminaire Iovita which meets in the mornings.
Thursdays when there is a seminar, we will convene right after the afternoon talk, in the Concordia CICMA room (from around 4:00-5:00).

This seminar is aimed primarily at the graduate students, postdocs and faculty in the arithmetic geometry group. It will be comprised mainly of two types of talks:

1. Talks by graduate students presenting the questions they are thinking about in order to share their progress, as well as their doubts and confusions, with others in the group.

2. Short series of talks on articles that we would like to understand better. Two such articles that I would like to focus on are:
2a. A lovely article by Akshay Venkatesh on class field theory from a fairly concrete and classical viewpoint.
2b. Mumford's theory of theta functions and the role that is played by the finite Heisenberg group.

Talks will typically run for 50 minutes. Suggestions by students, post-docs and faculty of talks that are both self-contained and of broad appeal are invited and strongly encouraged.

Here is the schedule so far:

  1. September 12. Organisational meeting.

    Roughly 4-6 30 minute talks by whatever willing victims we can muster, on the general theme of "what I did over the summer". Volunteers are encouraged to step up.

    10:30-11:30. Hazem Hassan. Higher Green's functions for Stark-Heegner cycles.

    11:30-12:00. Marti Roset Julia. Cocycles for SL(n).

    2:00-2:30. Shousen Lu. Periods of cusp forms over imaginary quaratic fields.

    2:30-3:00. Antoine Giard. Cocycles of higher levels.

  2. September 19. Meeting at Concordia after QVNTS

    4:00-5:00. Arihant Jain. Diagonal restrictions of rigid cocycles: a progress report.

  3. September 26. We will meet at McGill from 10:30--12:00, after a seance at Concordia from 9:00-10:00 for the diehard afficionados of Katz-style $p$-adic $L$-functions. Recall that there will also be a picnic that day!!

    9:00-10:00. Henri Darmon Katz style $p$-adic $L$-functions.

    10:30-12:00. Arihant Jain. Diagonal restrictions of rigid cocycles: anextended progress report. (Cancelled due to covid.)

  4. October 3. QVNTS Day.

    I might be unable to meet in person that day, and we might use that afternoon for Arihant to meet with Eyal at McGill at 4:00 PM where Arihant will give a more generalist overview of his project. All are welcome to attend.

  5. October 10. Non-QVNTS day.

    Elias Caeiro. Venkatesh's paper on class field theory, I.
    (Recall, as per the instructions above, that we will convene at Concordia at 2 PM after a morning that will, for the Iovita disciples, feature lectures by Paola and Hazem.)

  6. October 17. QVNTS day.

    Shousen Lu. Venkatesh's paper on class field theory, I.
    (Recall, as per the instructions above, that we will convene at Concordia at 2 PM after a morning that will, for the Iovita disciples, feature lectures by Paola and Hazem.)

  7. October 24. non-QVNTS day.

    Hughes Bellemare. Venktatesh's paper on class field theory, II.

  8. October 31. QVNTS day.

    Rudy Ariaz Venkatesh's paper on class field theory, III.

  9. November 7. non-QVNTS day.

    TBA Venkatesh's paper on class field theory, IV.