
Principal Component Analysis

  1. Basics: Orthogonal Projections

  2. One-dimensional PCA

  3. PCA - Projection onto M-dimensional Subspace

  4. PCA under An Optimization Lens

  5. PCA for High-dimensional Data

  6. Low-Rank Matrix Approximations, SVD and Connections to PCA

  7. Ridge Regression and PCA

  8. Sparse PCA

  9. Matrix Factorization and Completion

Convex Optimization

Study notes for Ryan Tibshirani's Convex Optimization course

  1. Convex Sets

  2. Convex Functions

  3. Convex Optimization Problems

  4. Gradient Descent

  5. Subgradient Methods

  6. Duality

  7. KKT Conditions

  8. Dual Problems

  9. Proximal Methods

  10. ADMM Algorithms

  11. Lasso Screening

Support Vector Machines

Study notes for Chapter 12 of The Elements of Statistical Learning

  1. Study notes

Cross Validation

Study notes for Chapter 7.10 of The Elements of Statistical Learning

  1. Study notes