
High-dimensional Learning

  • eclust    [Doc]    [Paper]     An algorithm for clustering high dimensional data that can be affected by an environmental factor.

  • fastcox    [Doc]    [Paper]     Lasso and elastic-net penalized Cox's regression in high dimensions models using the cocktail algorithm.

  • gcdnet    [Doc]    [Paper]     Lasso and (adaptive) elastic-net penalized least squares, logistic regression, HHSVM and squared hinge loss SVM using a fast GCD algorithm.

  • gglasso    [Doc]    [Paper]     Group lasso penalized learning using a unified BMD algorithm.

  • ggmix    [Doc]    [Paper]     Variable Selection in Linear Mixed Models for SNP Data.

  • glmvsd    [Doc]    [Paper]     Variable selection deviation measures and instability tests for high-dimensional generalized linear models.

  • msda    [Doc]    [Paper]     Multi-Class Sparse Discriminant Analysis.

  • novelGFL    [Paper]
    Matlab/python code for the novel Graph Fused Lasso.

  • sail    [Doc]    [Paper]     Sparse additive interaction learning.

  • SOIL    [Doc]    [Paper]     Sparsity Oriented Importance Learning.

  • sox    [Doc]     Structured Learning in Time-Dependent Cox Models.

Applications in drug discovery

  • QComp    [Paper]
    QComp: A robust, interpretable, non-iterative data completion framework for sparse datasets in drug discovery.

Topic Modeling

Zero-inflated Data Modeling

  • EMTboost    [Paper]
    Tweedie Gradient Boosting for Extremely Unbalanced Zero-inflated Data.

  • HDtweedie    [Doc]    [Paper]     The lasso for the Tweedie's compound poisson model using an IRLS-BMD algorithm.

  • TDboost    [Doc]    [Paper]     A boosted Tweedie compound Poisson model for insurance premium.

  • ktweedie    [Doc]    [Paper]     Tweedie compound Poisson model in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space.

  • MStweedie    [Doc]    [Paper]
    Extending the HDtweedie package to multi-source data, this package implements multi-source sparse Tweedie modelling.

Conditional Expectile Regression

  • erboost    [Doc]    [Paper]     Nonparametric multiple expectile regression via ER-Boost.

  • KERE    [Doc]    [Paper]     Expectile regression in reproducing kernel Hilbert space.

Dimension Reduction Models (Multivariate Regression)

  • envlp    [Doc]    [Paper]
    A MATLAB toolbox for computing envelope estimators in multivariate linear regression.